Kirsty McGregor is regularly featured in the national press and her opinion is sought in relation to issues for SMEs concerning funding, growing and selling a business. She has contributed to the following recent articles:

Financial Times profile the SME Tracker

The Corporate Finance Network collaborate each month with ACCA and its members to research accountants in practice and industry to find out their views of the market for their clients.

The findings are always very interesting and often reported by the national press.  This month, the Financial Times covered the story as there were some quite shocking findings.

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Business Leader quote SME Tracker as Recovery Loan Scheme ends

Business Leader magazine has quoted The SME Tracker and comments from our Chairman, Kirsty McGregor’s in its article today, as the British Business Bank’s Recovery Loan Scheme comes to an end.

In The CFN & ACCA SME Tracker, accountants representing over 90,000 SME business clients, reported that 49% of their clients have been put off or have abandoned applying for finance in the past six months. 

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Banks have let us down: CBILS still not working says The CFN

On 5th May, The Corporate Finance Network researched its accountancy members to ascertain their latest experiences of attempting to secure a Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan (CBILS) for their SME clients. Despite the much-heralded launch and apparent success of its younger sibling, the Bounce Back Loan on 4th May, CBILS still plays an important role in the rescue and recovery of more sizeable SMEs,

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Positive press reaction to The CFN’s proposal for further incentives

Leading regional publications, including the Yorkshire Post, known as “the nation’s local newspaper” have been covering The CFN’s alternative and additional proposals to The Treasury.  Comments have since been received directly by several businesses who support our ideas.

In Yorkshire:

In Shropshire:

Stable businesses must be incentivised to pick up failing competitors,

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